冬言響 / 日記



Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Anser my cry, Beast: Prologue


"Don't look at me!"

But he saw it--Or, he couldn't move like his body was paralyzed. At entrance of the room, he saw her with the blank surprise--

The room was clean, and there were some things that are need to life at four corners of the room. There were old bed, desk, book shelf, closet, and there was thick curtain on the window. Worn-out carpet was on the floor. On that floor, she shouted while covering own face with both hands.

"Don't look! Please!"

Even if hearing the shout, he didn't move like he lost expression.

A boy about fifteen years old. His black hair and eyes had been shadowed to symptom of growth. The boy was thin to a whole. However, because of combat training that repeated since he was so young, he was not weak, and his thin body had stood like sharp razor edge.

He didn't understand all of event in front of his eyes. That he understood was: she is shouting "Don't look!", and crying on the floor.

"Azalie? You are crying?"

He asked like it was very amazing.

But she didn't answer. She was only shouting to don't look while covering own face.

She wore the one that is like black robe. It was the one that is like the uniform of "Tower of Fang" that is head temple of black-sorcerers of this continent, and persons who are high-position were permitted to wear it. There are few persons who are young like her, about twenty years old, and who wear this robe. Her black and waved hair was short perhaps because of combat training. Though her face was covered by her hand, brown eyes were seen between her fingers. She was as tall as same generation man, and her limbs had been firmed.

"Don't look! Please, get out!"

She shouted again. And he noticed that the voice was not cry. Her voice seemed to be angry.

He advanced one step from entrance, then said uneasily.

"Azalie, what happened? Wait, I'll call teacher."

"No! --no."

She shouted intensely, and restated it.

"No, it's useless. Don't call anybody, even if Childman."


"No! Get out! Hurry!"

She waved to here, and commanded -- he saw the hand, was surprised. Though her fingers that have thick skin because of combat training were not beautiful, in that time, he saw that her fingers had sharp talon or something.

He shouted like he doubted his own eyes.

"Azalie? Your hand is..."

"Please! Get out now!"

She repeated again. The moment, her black hair rose at top of her head. Hunk of meat that is obviously not included in human body flew out from the hair while littering tentacles or something and making the sound that is like pulling blood vessel. Something was dropped at her feet. It was her torn belt. Her waist was unnaturally distorted, and swelled--

He screamed.

In this moment, he noticed--she is becoming something that is not human.

Her swelled waist overflowed under her clothes, ripped soft cloth, and stood at her back. Wing of skin like a bat. Same time, she began to tremble, and vomited the one like body fluid from mouth. Blood with which chuleta mixed dropped to floor from between fingers that is covering her face. Also the mouth opened enough to dislocate jaw, and tongue that is like a head of red skink appeared.

"Don't look!"

Only the shout was her voice that is not changed a little while ago.


He called. But he shut his mouth like he couldn't find next word.

Her change was continuing. Her shoulder ripped cloth of robe, and became to green that have scales. Her arms increased to four, and her body swelled up to three meters.

She--No, the strange thing that was she turned at there like following own tail, said "Don't look..." again, and it inflamed own eyes--

It leaned over from the window of "Tower" with speedy movement that is not like huge body, flapped wing, made roaring sound, and leapt to outside.

He panicked, jumped over the pool of blood that was made by her, and ran up to the window. But, at scope of control from there, there was no appearance of her.

He made expression that is a kind of drunk, and turned around to the room while trembling. At the center of pool of blood that she left, there was an iron thing that he did not notice a while ago. An ancient sword that is dirty in blood and rust.

Afterward, he did not see appearance of her for many years.--many years, many years.

